Contact Us

Main Contacts

Our Rector, Rev'd Lynda Lilley, can be contacted by phone on 01952  443295, by mobile phone on 07534858439 (Text messages preferred), by  email to , or by post to

Reverend Lynda Lilley, All Saints' Rectory, Church Street, Broseley, TF12 5DA

Enquiries about Weddings and funerals may also go to the Licensed Reader, Rebecca Wood on 01952 883829, and enquiries about Baptisms can also go to Rose Lloyd on 01952 882095. 

Location of the churches 

(see the Churches page for maps)

All Saints' , Church Street, Broseley, TF12 5DA

St Mary's , Church Road, Jackfield, TF8 7ND

St Giles' , Wenlock Road, Barrow, TF12 5BW

If you wish to send something by post please contact the Rector first as there are no facilities for receiving postal mail at the churches. Thank you.

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